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1.What is the NSF (UK)?


The Nigerian Schools Foundation (UK) or NSF(UK) is a collaboration of alumni schools or associations with Nigerian connection resident in the UK. NSF's mission is to promote the need to maintain high educational and social standards of Nigerian Secondary Schools.It uses two  public events, a sports & family fun day and a lecture as a vehicle to increase the awareness of the alumni associations & their fundraising activities. Since 2017, we have introduced new initiatives, including collaborations with other organisations on areas of mutual interests (e.g. #BookDriveNigeria2017) and
also monthly members networking sessions, where matters of interests are brought to members attention (e.g. health, healthy living, pension, social  and financial inclusion).NSF (UK) holds no position on politics or religion. The expectations are that ; anyone wishing to join the NSF (UK) will show great respect to all others, especially by honouring our traditions and ideals.  Our duties are carried out in the spirit of friendship, solidarity, fair play and competition. Our members are primarily motivated to serve and give back to their community/old school. The leadership teams and the planning community are expected to discharge their duties fairly, honestly and in a transparent manner at all times.  


2. Am I eligible to join the NSF (UK)


We have two levels of membership, Organisations pay a membership fee and individuals join free. If your alumni association has a Nigerian connection and it's resident in the UK , we will be delighted to welcome you on board.  


3.Membership fees


Our vision of what we can achieve is unlimited but sadly our resources are not. Current membership fees are set at £200 per annum . This contributes to the funding of our activities. Members have voting rights and other benefits. Our events are open to the public and we charge a nominal fee  e.g. sports and family fun day £2.50 entry fee.


4.What are the benefits of becoming a member ?


4.1  Grow your contacts and access to a strong and vibrant network

Coming along to planning meetings and attending NSF (UK)/members' events will allow you to connect with other members,share; intelligence,expertise,best practice on growing your  association especially with the exchange of fund raising ideas. NSF(UK) encourages its members to send representatives to each others events.


 4.2. Develop skills and knowledge


In addition to the above (4.1), there are several volunteering opportunities within NSF (UK) planning teams.  From event management, marketing, publicity, education, youth engagement, information technology,  social media, Law, Accountancy, Risk management, Tax  etc. There is a role for everyone no matter your field.

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Nigerian Schools Foundation (UK)

About us

The NSF (UK), a grassroots organisation, is a collaboration of Nigerian Alumni or organisations with Nigerian connection based in London UK.

Our contact

c/o 6 The Close. Bushey. Herts. WD23 3NG.


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© 2024 NSF (UK)  is Registered in England and Wales no. 11143877.

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